Emma Watson Attended the First G7 Advisory Committee For Equality Meeting

Emma Watson had a big day today in Paris, arriving for the first meeting of the G7 Advisory Committee For Equality Between Women and Men. Watson and the group of activists met with French President Emmanuel Macron at Paris’s Elysee Palace. She went for a statement suit, choosing a matching green print blazer and pants, and added more color with her yellow heels:


Mauritanian activist Aïssata Lam also shared a shot of the welcome dinner the group attended last night:

Watson has long been involved with UN Women’s HeforShe program, which is working for global gender equality. In 2016, she spoke about her hopes for women taking up more political leadership roles in the years ahead.

“While women still only make up such a small percentage of political leadership, to quote the awesome Michelle Obama, ‘because of these women, girls and boys all over the world will have real-life examples that women are leaders,'” Watson said. “In the last two years if I have learned anything, if they have shown me anything, it is that nothing—nothing—is impossible. And that’s why tonight, as well as saying thank you from the bottom of my heart for all that you have done, I ask you to recommit yourselves to be a part of gender equality. I genuinely feel that we are closer to a gender equal world, certainly closer than we were two years ago, and I know that each and every HeForShe has played such a huge part in that. I am proud to have been part of lots of amazing things in my life, but there is nothing that I am prouder of than being part of this.”

Source: elle.com

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